For Instant Relief
All emotional frequencies come with either a positive or negative charge as a requirement for survival here on Earth. When we experience pain or fear, we also experience a negative response to those emotions so that we avoid them! This is also a survival mechanism.
In modern society, these negative aspects are more of a hindrance than a benefit. They cloud the mind/heart and make self-evaluation difficult. By temporarily removing these negative signatures (or neutralizing the charge), Xane's activations will still allow for the emotions to be explored for growth and self-expansion - just unencumbered by crippling negative physiological responses.
Download this MP3 activation to remove the negative signatures of heartbreak, loneliness, jealousy, and inadequacy. This selection was chosen because these are the emotions often associated with a difficult breakup. The activations can be listened to as a batch or individually, depending on your needs.
For best results, these activations should be played during the experience of these particular emotions. This will immediately remove the negative charge associated with the emotion as you are feeling it, allowing you to move into a place of non-polarity -- a heart-centered place -- and bring your divine consciousness forward to learn, grow, expand, and evaluate yourself and your situation without burden.
By doing this just a few times, you will have more discretion over which frequencies you want to bring in, and it will be easier to move into a heart-centered place to observe rather than be consumed by these negative emotional frequencies.
This download is an MP3 file that can be transferred to your phone or your PC, so download with confidence.
** These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. **
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I purchased your Negative Emotion Relief Pack and when I listened to the first audio, a huge sense of peace and calm washed over me. It was like a big soft wave of Beautiful Blue Bliss flowed through me. I felt a lot of peace and calm in my mid-section as it washed tense feelings down and out of my body.
Wow, Amazing.

Testimonial Melinda Hotho
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